Artist | Author | Scent Maker | Advocate for the Unconscious


Nº2 Deluxe Set | An Homage to the Pencil

Nº2 Deluxe Set | An Homage to the Pencil


A limited edition, fine art fragrance collaboration conceived by ersatz librarian, Rory Sparks of the Working Library and blended by the lovely and talented, Catherine Haley Epstein. A collaboration combining a love for scents and pencils—a one of a kind homage to a favorite studio tool.

The Deluxe Set includes 7.5 ml of the handcrafted fragrance, a pencil with a custom message, handmade box, and a letterpress insert with a drawing from the artists. 


Notes on Conceptual Fragrance 

This scent was designed to honor the pencil. Like a pencil it is sharp, may be used as an under layer and blends in with just about everything. Yellow paint, splintered wood and metallic graphite serve as the springboards. The scent is made entirely of natural components of trees, leaves and citrus. Enjoy! 

* Due to the quantity of the limited edition maximum order size is 5 per order. Please contact for information on future releases.

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